Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Asking a Simple Question Can Protect My Safety & Mental Health: So Why Do So Many White People Hate Answering It?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably one of my few but devoted followers.  Or… You’re probably someone who reacted negatively to a very basic question I asked you on a dating app.  

What’s the longest you’ve ever dated a Black or mixed race?  

It’s funny, because even the mere asking of this question has become the perfect racial Rorschach test.  White people who have had a relationship with a Black guy tend to be non-fussed.  They answer honestly and then often add something like, “Oh yeah. I see why you ask that. Makes sense.”  

White people who have never dated a Black person long term before or have not yet exposed themselves to some basic implicit bias training or the fundamentals of white fragility often act EXACTLY as Professor Robin D'Angelo predicts. 

How White Fragility Reinforces Racism

They always react hysterically.  They blame and attack me for asking them a simple question.  They tell me that "I don't know them, so I can't judge them."  Some of them even do the super myopic thing and tell me that I"M RACIST for bringing it up.  But never once do these people take a moment to think to themselves how they’ve just revealed that even the notion of potential disparate treatment of Black gay men on dating apps is triggering to them.  

To quote Shakespeare, "Me thinks the White Gay Man Doth Protest Too Much..."

This is a classical white fragility response to a very reasonable question.  Frankly, I'm glad when I ask, because the person who goes into full White Fragility Meltdown over a simple question is probably not someone who is ready to love a Black man.  They aren't ready to acknowledge society's systemic racism.  I would imagine they would be much more likely to gaslight me when the topic of systemic racism come up, or they'd likely to be far less sympathetic to me when I experience racism or micro-aggressions.  That's the type of guy who will say "Why are you getting so upset?  You should just let it roll off you like water off. duck's back."  And while I've never asked any of my white boyfriends to attend a BLM rally, I can't be with someone who refuses to acknowledge the existence that racism -- both in society and in the gay community have caused me.  

When I finish my next book, I will make no bones about the fact that my previous boyfriend was an active white supremacist as defined by Abrim X. Kendi in How to Be an Anti-Racist.  Already, I can hear the cogs whirling the minds of white people -- "If he was an active white supremacist, why did you date him?" And without digressing too much, he obviously didn't show his active white supremacist tendencies until the end of our relationship.   I knew had a lot of darkness in him.  He had an unspoken cruelty that I could sense and I never quite trusted.  But it's important to note that Kendi describes active white supremacists as white people who don't necessarily wear white sheets and salute Hitler very morning.  Active White Supremacists are people who actively work to keep racism in place -- even if in small ways.  And white guy can be attracted to Black men and yet still do things to harm them that are nothing short of cruel acts of white supremacy and racism.  

But in short, how a white man responds to this question is EXTREMELY INFORMATIVE as to revealing his level of racial awareness.  So if you are reading this question, think long and hard before attacking me.  Because it's not original.  It's happened dozens of times.  And it just makes you look like a racist douche bag, although you probably will see it as "winning the argument."  Yelling a litany of white fragility arguments at me doesn't make you smart.  It makes a moron who shows that he's too stupid to even watch a few YouTube videos on racism and racial awareness.  And to the extent that I don't argue back with you, it's because I've deemed that your awareness is so low, it's not worth my time to educate you.  I don't have that kind of patience.  But by all means, watch the YouTube link above.  

Why I Ask That Question? Part 1 - The Data

I realize we've gone this far, and I still haven't given you the reason as to WHY I ask this question.  Well, because the data tells me to.  

In short, if a white guy asks me out on a date, and he has had a relationship with a Black or mixed-race guy before, there is a 90% chance he will ask for a second date and/or third date.  That doesn't mean that we're guaranteed to fall in love.  But it means that overwhelmingly, he will want to get to know me better.  That doesn't mean there can't be drama or personality clashes -- we're still gay guys. But I do want to add one thing, because it will become important later... The reasons we stop dating are very specific.  

For example, we had an argument at dinner, and I said something he didn't like -- or visa versa.  He lived too far away or I moved too far away.  As a trend, the reason we don't end up as a couple is extremely concrete, and the majority of the time, we end up as mates later on down the line.  That's also key.  So even when we don't end up as boyfriends, these types of white men want to keep me in their life.  

Also, I would be remiss not to mention that when we re actually on the date, the white men who have a history of dating Black guys NEVER say anything that's racially offensive or awkward.  They are much more affectionate.  They say and do things that make me feel affirmed or special.  So the dates tend to be much more enjoyable. 

Now let's look at the other side of the scales... 

If a white guy asks me out, and he has never had a relationship with a Black or mixed-race guy before, there is only a 25% chance he will want a second date.  And for the rest of those guys, the date is often awkward.  They are not affectionate.  I recently had a white Italian guy ask me for legal advice to help his brother who lives in America.  But after I gave the advice, he wanted to leave -- didn't even give me a kiss goodbye.  These people are more likely to be awkward, say offensive things, and they're more likely to not be affectionate or say or do things that show me that they are not attracted to me in the slightest -- aka, I tend NOT to enjoy the date. 

And if I chase them or pursue them enough to get to a second date, it always ends the exact same way.  They almost always say the same thing, "Something just didn't click." Or "They just didn't feel the spark."  Now that's totally unreasonable.  Sometimes in dating it just doesn't click.  But notice that NO WHITE MAN who has previously had a relationship with a Black guy tells me "The spark just isn't there."  Again, they have a specific complaint, "You have a big mouth." Or "You moved away."  Are you starting to see a pattern here???

That's the data.  So if you were me, what group would you tend to prefer to date? 

So now that you've read my experience, why on earth would you get upset when I explain why this is important to me?  Please don't attack me for wanting to spend my time with people who have the highest chance of a relationship.  

If one group makes you feel special and is likely to keep you in their friendship group after the dating is over, and the other group is cold, distant and doesn't care about keeping you in their life, it would be MADNESS for me NOT to ask this question!  


In fact, I am encouraging all of my Black readers to IMMEDIATELY BEGIN asking these types of questions.  You don't have to do it all the time, but before you invest your time, money or emotions into a white guy, ASK HIM!  How he has treated other Black men in the past is extremely telling of how he will treat you.  And in this regard, it's important to judge people by their past -- not by what they are saying about themselves when they've never picked up a book on implicit bias or systemic racism.  Most of these people aren't trying to hurt you.  But they're not above using you as an experiment to prove they're not racist.  If they date you one time, they can pat themselves on the back and say "Hey, I'm not racist.  Things just didn't magically click with Darnell."  They won't do any critical thinking about the situation.  They'll tell themselves that there was something wrong with YOU, and then they'll go back to only dating white men. 

Depending on how deep you want to get with these guys, you might want to ask:

1) How did the relationship end?  Who broke it off?  (Play close attention to who ended it and why.  Pay attention to see if the white men invested any emotional energy into dating the Black guy.  And then ask, 

2) If I asked the Black guy what happened, what would he say?  Now this is a powerful question, and if you ask it, and they aren't racially aware, I'd say there is a 99% chance they will react negatively or walk out the door.  

White people are masters of fiction when it comes to coming up with reasons as to why it's okay for them to devalue the lives, emotions and health (both mental and physical) of Black people.  Not all white people, mind you.  But enough that I have felt compelled to write a book about it.  So if you are a Black reader, your emotional well being is worth protecting.  And white people should affirm this, not attack it! 

But I digress... 

Why I ask that question - Part 2 - Extrapolating the Data. 

Now that we have a behavior pattern identified in a large number of white men who might go on one date with a black guy (or might do one hookup) but would never have a relationship with a Black guy, what can we extrapolate.  I freely admit this is harder to prove, because it's subjective in the hearts of white men.  And let me repeat, I am NOT saying all white men are the same.  But enough of them are toxic enough on racism that I felt compelled to write a book about it.  And after I wrote the book, I experienced so much more racism, I now have go back and re-write the whole damn thing! Ugh!   

Also, I have a doctorate from Harvard Law School, and I wrote the book: Grindr Survivr, which was unanimously well received -- among the few hundred people who read it, lol...  So I'm going to ask you to take on faith that because I have spent my entire adult life dealing with white people who have racist traits or implicit biases that they don't want to deal with, but inevitably bubble up to the surface.  So yes, I consider myself an expert on dating in the gay world... 

The Case of "Confused Connor" 

So I was chatting to a guy on Grindr, let's call him "Confused Connor."  At the beginning, Connor was anything but confused.  In fact, he was making what I called "boyfriend moves."  It's when a guy starts sending signals that he wants to be boyfriends as opposed to NSA/Fuck-buddies.  We would talk via WhatsApp for hours.  Even before we met, we'd spend days talking and texting.    He was genuinely keen to hear my stories -- both the sci-fi fantasy worlds I was creating, and the zany antics I'd get into trying to get discovered in publishing, theater and maybe even TV.  

No one had ever done this for me before.  Sure, others had listened, but not with the sheer interest that Connor had.  Sure, others wished me will, but Connor really seemed excited to hear what I was up to.  And no one's done that for me before -- white black, woke or not.  And it made me feel so special, that I began to drop my defenses.   I told myself, "Why not."  Connor and I were connecting.  The feeling was mutual.  We were vibing, it definitely felt like he and I were on a train that was headed to boyfriend town.  

Until, I asked that question...  

He didn't react with angry white fragility, but suddenly, he didn't want to hang out.  He wanted to cut our meets in half so he could spend more time in the gym.  He didn't want to be amorous, because he wasn't feeling well.  Or on our final date, he said, "I just wasn't feeling it tonight."  At first, he attempted to say that maybe things would shift back.  But when I suggested he and I spend a day together, he fessed up.  Whatever he felt, it was OVER.  I asked him specifically: what went wrong.  What made the feelings go away.  Guess what he said... "I don't know.  Maybe I guess I don't know what I want from a relationship. But it's not this." 

Let's unpack "this."  Was it the laughter we shared?  Was it the good food I cooked?  Was it the fun 3D movies we both liked?  Was it our great conversations?  All of that worked until I broached the topic of race.  I would assert that "this" meant Connor haven't to confront past actions or feelings that he felt were likely racist.  And that situation was so scary for him, it was easier to just kill the whole damn thing.  

And to be clear, Connor had never even met a Black guy for coffee before -- not one date, not one hookup -- nothing!  So in one sense, should I feel blessed, because I was the first Magical Negro that he ever attempted to date?  Some white people may feel that way, but I'm disappointed and angry.  Connor was not a safe person for a Black man to love.  But even though I was really upset, I do have to say that he did me a favor.  Because what would have happened if we had dated for a year, and then he pulled this, I would have been devastated.  So yeah, I dodged a bullet.  

But I want my white readers to see just how quickly white people will cut out Black people from their circles, whether it's dating or friendships, the INSTANT we say something that makes them feel uncomfortable on race.  It doesn't matter how much you do for them, how much you like them, how kind you are to them, how much love you have to share, you cross this line, and they cast you out.  And they never think twice about it. NEVER! 

The real tragedy (for me anyway), is that this didn't have to end this way.  His lack of racial understanding killed a potential miracle, but he could have used it as a growing opportunity.  It could have made our bond stronger.  And trust me, if he had watched a video about racism in response to this question, I would have known I had a keeper.  

But in the eyes of a white person who doesn't understand racism and doesn't want to be educated about racism, the miracle seems like a chore: a load of uncomfortable talks and things that he didn't want to be bothered with... And that sucks.  But it's also revealing as to whether you as a white man are capable of loving someone who isn't white.  They always have the choice to ignore the racial issues and find white people who will never press their limited racial world view.  And that's what his dating history shows he does -- even if he was saying he was "confused." 

Of course, I wasn't buying the "confusion" narrative, because I've heard it so many times before.  

He asked me, "What do you think it is?"  

I said, "I think you might have an unconscious block around dating someone who's not white."  

He responded with, "I knew you'd say that." 

His response here is quite telling.  He knew he was backing off.  He knew it had something to do with race, and the fact that it worried him meant that there was definitely truth in what I was asserting.  How do we know this?  When a white person is truly confident that they aren't being racist, they don't melt down on Black people for saying the wrong thing.  They don't punish the Black person for making the wrong accusation.  My mother is white, and she was recently working as a provost for a historically Black colldge in the USA.  One of her colleagues said she had "a white savior complex."  My mom was annoyed, but she didn't quit her job or fire the underling that said it.  My mom marched for civil rights in the 1960s.  She raised three Black children that weren't hers.  She raised a mixed-race son in Kentucky.  And she was a high ranking academic at a Black school.  She has nothing to prove.  So that comment, while annoying, didn't cause her to over-react. 

White people get more angry at potentially being called racist than they ever get about real life racism experienced by people like me every day! And it's EXHAUSTING!!! 

Compare my mom's reaction to Connor's, who felt his only reaction to that question was DESTROY EVERYTHING!  He didn't pick up a book on White Fragility.  He didn't watch a video on educating himself.  He just withdrew and decided that our relationship was dead, and he did not seem at all confused as to whether it was something worth fighting for.  He saw everything I had to offer (the love, the fish tacos, the laugher, the fun movie nights, the cuddles), and to him, it was worth nothing.  

Now of course, he doesn't think this consciously -- or if he does -- he tries to suppress it.  He stays in the "I'm confused/no spark" category.  But his situation is different, because there was a spark, he only decided to snuff it out when the topic of racism came up.  

But let me draw on my wider conclusions of dealing with white people... If they have never dated a black guy, or the spark just isn't there, at some point, not every Black guy in your city can be that inferior.  It's you.   Who you commit to, and who you will forgive, and who you will chase, are all extremely revealing about your character.  And staying "confused" is convenient.  You conveniently never have to examine how deep your implicit bias goes.  You can just shrug it off and say "Thank you, next." 

So if you are one of those white guys who gets confused when dating a non-white person, here are some things you should ask yourself:

1) When a person of color (POC) is nice to you, how do you treat them in return? 
2) After a date or two with a POC, who killed off the potential for future dates? You or the other guy?
3) Have you ever taken a risk and made yourself emotionally vulnerable around a POC? 
4) Have you ever forgiven a POC who has made a mistake? 
5) Have you distanced yourself from the POC when they bring up the topic of racism?  (Either from you or from something else they experienced). 

Forget what you think you would do if the "Perfect Black Man" rode in on a stallion.  What have you done in the past?  How would you answer these five questions?  

Now honestly ask yourself - is a Black man loving me a potentially harmful endeavor?  

Don't look away.  Don't slide back into "confused" territory.  Be honest with yourself.  

And now think of things from my perspective. If you've never done anything romantic for a Black guy before, wouldn't it be naive of me to think you'll change just for me?  

The confusion that Connor and other white people experience is a great way to side-step the guilt or shame that they have probably mistreated people of color in the past, and that their own preferences are just too far gone in order for them to genuinely love someone who's not white.  And maybe for people like Connor, it's logical.  He's a nice looking guy.  He will have no time finding a white guy who will love him and never make him question his limited white racial world view.  

Here's my honest take.  Connor would have been a great guy to date -- until race reared its head.  The instant that topic came up, he'd probably one of those boyfriends who would tell me "Don't get mad. Just let it roll off you."  The type of white guy who sends boyfriend signals to a Harvard educated, lawyer, who owns his own flat, is ambitious and up to big things, and then radically switches off like that... That's not the result of spark not going anywhere.  His limited racial worldview got pressed, and he saw all of my amazing qualities, he saw all the things we could have done together, and he was like, "Nope." 

This is not uncommon by the way.  In my previous blog, I talk about "Never Ever Whites" and "Hufflepuffs," two types of white guys on Grindr.  

Never Ever Whites are white men who will never want to date a Black person no matter what.  Hufflepuffs are white people who are very much open to dating men of different races.  The problem is white people don't want to believe that they have deep seated unconscious biases that rob them of miracles.  That's a very difficult conversation for them to have, particularly if they aren't open to reading a book. 

I'm not saying Connor is an active white supremacist.  I'm NOT even saying Connor is being intentionally racist.  But there's a lesson here for both white and Black people.  

Your dating history states equivocally whether a Black man is safe around you.  If I'm not safe, can you honestly be mad at me for trying to protect my mental health and my heart?  

I would have fallen head over heels for a guy who couldn't handle my blackness.  Please don't put me in that same situation ever again.  So if I need to ask you a few questions for me to feel comfortable dating you, please don't react and punish me for trying to protect myself.  The vast majority of the time, I'm spot on.

One Final Tip (To End on a Hopeful Note) 

So... If you're reading this and feel a bit "confused," the most obvious thing is to read a book!  Go read White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo -- or at least watch some of her YouTube video lectures.  Alternatively, you can pick up, "How to be an Anti-Racist" by Kendi.    

Here's Abrim Kendi talking about Anti-racism here: 

But I will give you one tip if you're white and you realize that you may have mistreated Black men in the past and you want to do better but don't know how to express it.  

If a Black guy asks you "Have you ever dated a Black guy before?"  And you sincerely want to learn -- and you're not going to gaslight them on their experiences of racism and you're not going to get confused as to whether you like them -- say: 

"I haven't, but I know it's something I need to work on.  That's why I started reading [X] book.  But I know I've got a lot to learn, and if it's okay with you, I'd like to get to know you, but I may at times may make mistakes or say stupid things."  

Say this -- and mean it.  And there just might be hope for the next generation. 

Monday, August 2, 2021

Dance For Me, Negro! Dance! (Are You a 'Mediocre' White Man Demanding Black Guys Tap Dance to Keep Your Attention?)

My friend Josh Rivers, who runs the Busy Being Black podcast, joked in an Instagram story once, "If I'm going to experience racism, at least let it be from nice looking white people who don't avoid the dentist."  

He went on to point out that often what he describes as "mediocre whites" (to be fair in Britain, where their teeth may not be great), who - in his experience - often look down on amazing people of color and imagine themselves as superior to everyone else.  And he encouraged other Black queer men to look to ensure that they aren't chasing these "mediocre whites," whose smiles look like a bag of nails...


Now this was all a joke.  But someone once said, comedy isn't about being technically accurate, it's about saying what's true.  And at first, I thought he was being a bit harsh.  But then the more I reflected and looked at this scenario, and I definitely thought this joke had a kernel of truth that was worth exploring.  I haven't had an in-depth discussion with Josh about this.  But Josh is an amazing human being, and both he and I have definitely had a similar experience of feeling confident in our abilities and what we bring to the table in terms of dating and having been left feeling devalued or less than by white men.  First of all, he's drop dead gorgeous.  Like mixed-race people are a nice looking people in general.  But Josh stands out even amongst our handsome tribe.  The perfect skin, the amazing bone structure, the rocking body...  Damn it Josh, I hate you for being so much prettier than me, lol... But the man is beautiful.  

Second, Josh is a true intellectual.  Let me keep it real as a Harvard lawyer.  I am NOT an intellectual.  I'm super smart.  But I'm not an intellectual at all.  I'm way to ADHD.  For me, learning new things, intellectual argument and reason is to solve a problem, so I can move on.  Josh genuinely loves the journey of learning and discovering.  Josh has confessed to me on a few occasions that he's mildly envious of the educational opportunities I have had.  And yes, I have gone to some of the best universities in the world.  And if I could magically give Josh a ticket to Harvard, I so would.  He would have made far more use out of it than I did.  

Third and perhaps more importantly, Josh has a calling to make a difference in the gay community.  I love and respect this so much.  I occasionally text him to just to thank him for making a difference.  Now, think about this.  He was a gay journalist.  He now runs an insanely popular podcast that gives a voice to marginalized queer people of color.  He writes poetry.  He helps organize UK Black Pride every year, where queer people of color can have a space to celebrate and feel affirmed.  Josh is just an amazing human being.  

To my white readers who might look down on dating him or other amazing black men (or to those who have treated him terribly in the past), what have you done for the gay community?  

Have you done any of this?  I don't know.  I'm sure some of you have and some of you haven't.  But what Josh gave voice to, albeit perhaps flippantly, is that it can be frustrating when you -- as a gay black man -- know you have a lot to offer, you're confident in yourself, your intellect, your contribution to the queer community and/or your contribution to society at large -- and white men who haven't accomplished a tenth of what you have look down on you, because of your skin color.  

Now, in theory, everyone can intellectual say "Well, that's wrong."  But what Josh flippantly quipped may hold some truth that I'd like to ask my white readers to consider.  


And yes, I accept that this is not a PC term at all.  All human beings are of equal worth.  And the term 'mediocre whites' was meant as a JOKE to provoke thought.  And that's what it did.  Perhaps, some might argue that I shouldn't use the term "mediocre whites" in this blog.  And let me be clear, I AM NOT SAYING ALL WHITES ARE RACIST AND/OR MEDIOCRE.  I'm not even saying the majority of white people are racist and/or mediocre.  I'm sharing a pithy comment that prompted some soul searching on my part.  And as a Black man who grew up in the American south, a lot of white people looked down on me and made me feel "less than."  And yet, Josh Rivers had a pithy joke to both help me see my value, look to make sure I'm not chasing a guy who really isn't a good match for me, and yes, he made me laugh with some politically incorrect humor.  If you have a more PC way of describing this phenomenon, let me know.  (And that's not sarcasm, actually, do let me know!)

But let's be clear: we all look for "good qualities" in men we are evaluating as potential boyfriends.  And yes, these qualities are extremely subjective.  But some of them pop up more than others.  First, I accept, men are more superficial than women -- as a trend.  So let's accept that we all want to date someone we think is handsome.  Career is also status symbol.  Maybe it shouldn't be.  But at the least, it can be a signal for some people.  I'm not arguing that there are lots of contextual factors in dating.  But a number of things tend to come up for most people when looking for a potential partner.  And another is common interest, hobbies, activism, things like that.  

But when I looked in my own life, I definitely saw something similar to Josh's experience.  A number of white men, who didn't have my intellectual experience, credentials, career, or commitment to making a difference, still did things that left me feeling that they looked down on me or they didn't see my value as a human being.  And yes, when you get into the realm of feelings, it's so much more subjective.  And yet, this is my experience, too.  So said another way...  


Now the problem with this assertion, in theory, is that it's harder to prove.  I can ask white readers "How many boyfriends have you had and were any of them people of color?"  And this is a binary number.  Alternatively, I can ask, "How many second dates have you had with people of color?"  And those questions can be very revealing.  By the way, I've already written a blog on how white men should look at their dating histories and look through their phones and ask themselves if they have an unconscious racial bias. 

But when you get into the realm of bad attitudes or nonchalant texting, it's harder to make a solid case.  But given that I've tried to really keep all my previous blogs in the realm of actions and spoken words, I think I've earned a little bit of leeway to discuss my feelings on interracial dating.  And as I talk to other people of color, I find that these feelings are widespread.  

White men -- who sometimes aren't even that hot or accomplished in their careers -- act as if they can just be barely interested in dating a person of color.  

*The black or Asian man is ALWAYS the first to initiate a conversation online.  

* The Black/Asian man ALWAYS asks the white man if he wants to go on a date. 

* The Black/Asian man ALWAYS has to follow up to confirm the date, less the white man flake out. 

*It's the Black/Asian guy who is ALWAYS asking for a second date or further commitment.  


* It's the white man who always looks for the smallest of reasons to cancel a date or end communication

* It's always the white man who thinks he's right about everything - dating and racial

* The white man forgives very great flaws found in other whites, while condemning the minor flaws in people of color (Just look at Trump supporters if you want to see this on a macro level). 

Again, I refer you to my previous blog post above on implicit bias if you want more ways to quantitatively see what kinds of men you are chasing.  But I also have a more general blog on white privilege in the gay community as well: 

Now some of this is endemic to the human condition.  There are jerks of every race.  Plenty of Black men can be flaky too.  But if one race is held up as the "ideal", then might there not be an incentive or might society not allow mediocre people of the "ideal race" to get away with being jerks to people of the "undesired race"?  

So I'm asking my white readers... Again, look at your dating history to evaluate whether you are giving people of color a chance.  And even if you are, let me follow up with a second question: Are you acting disinterested or making amazing people of color chase you?  And if so, are you genuinely that special?  Or might you be allowing the way society values whiteness to stop you from checking your bad behavior?  

Now often I find that white men have maybe been turned down by one Black guy who was - if we're being superficially inclined -- was WAY out of their league in terms of looks.  And they use that as an excuse not to look closer at their dating trends.  So don't just think of the one Denzel Washington who didn't chat to you on Tinder.  Look at the men who were trying to get to know you.  

And maybe I can't prove this theory in a court of law the way I can other blog posts, but it's my lived experience.  And while I'm smart enough that I can see these signs early on, other Black and Asian men may not.  I have zero qualms about calling out a white man who I think doesn't see my value.  But other people of color might be hesitant to call you out for this.  In your world, you might think you are super progressive, because you aren't ignoring the black/Asian man at all.  But after a while constantly chasing a guy who isn't that keen is not fun.  



Let's suppose I was going to be a gay Judge Judy figure, as in an intelligent Harvard lawyer were going to give you (the alleged white guy who demands that people of color tap dance for his approval) a frank assessment as to whether you fall into this category...  (And again, I'm not being sarcastic or hyperbolic - if you're white ask yourself if a smart Black guy were assessing me, what would he say?)..  And I were to assess your credentials versus those of the person of color whom you don't seem keen to meet or interact with, what might my verdict be?  

* If I was to look at his CV versus the Asian guy who keeps messaging you, who's got the better university degree or career?  (Not saying this is indicative of your value as a whole.  But I'm saying many people see this as a signal - including probably most of my white readers, and we're trying to figure out who is BF quality and who is mediocre...) 

* If I was to look at the Black Guy's photo and rate his attractiveness compared to yours, even though you told him you didn't want a second date, who is hotter?  (Again, white people have unconscious biases when it comes to what's attractive, so that's why I said imagine a person of color were making this assessment)  

* If I was to look at his contributions to the queer community versus yours, who's done more?  

* Who's making an effort and who is being lazy in the conversation? 

What would I conclude??? 

So again, I have to ask my white readers, "Are you a mediocre white man asking Black men to do back flips to keep your attention?"  

Maybe don't get defensive about it.  But maybe ASK the people of color in your life whether you have left them feeling undervalued!  

Because if every person of color you date feels that way, then there is definitely something for you to look at.  

And maybe the real work that needs to be done is people of color need to begin to examine our own unconscious attitudes on race to where we, as queer people of color, stop interacting with white men who don't value us at all. 

And by the way... Give Josh Rivers a follow!  Instagram @_busybeingblack 
And check out his podcast, Busy Being Black! https://www.busybeingblack.com

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Can You Change Your Standards of Beauty?

One of my recent Grindr Survivr podcasts deals with our standards of beauty.  I spoke with self-help guru Sandy Robbins about the matter.  Sandy has been designing personal empowerment courses for over 30 years, and although he's straight, he is also a theater director, so he's come across a gay actor or two along the way.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

New Cover For My Grindr Survivr Book

Hey everyone, I've got a new cover for my book: Grindr Surivr - How to Find Happiness in the Age of Hookup Apps.

They say "Never judge a book by its cover," but I'm amazed at how many people think they know what's inside the book just from looking at the title. But maybe the new picture might give potential readers a bigger world.  Crazy stuff happens on these apps - and you're probably contributing to the chaos, if you're not mindful.  So feel free to check out the book.

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XVHQGDT

Amazon UK:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B06XVHQGDT

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Are You Sabotaging Yourself - My Most Popular Podcast To Date!

In the third episode of my Grindr Surivr podcast, I coach my friend Chris about some of his dating decisions. Together we see how being superficial can rob you of a potential miracle if you're not being careful.

Feel free to check it out on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/Gepv40T6Pgw

And to quote RuPaul, "Now on iTunes" https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/are-you-sabotaging-your-valentines-day-miracle/id1450368006?i=1000429636798&mt=2

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Grindr Survivr Podcast is Now Out

Hey guys,

I've created a podcast to follow on from my book Grindr Survivr: How to Find Happiness in the Age of Hookup Apps.

I felt it wasn't just enough to just whine and complain about the state of gay dating and how difficult it is to find substance in a relationship these days.  I wanted to have powerful conversations to start help people get clear on what they really want.  I want people to either powerfully choose to be single or to get clear on what stops them from committing.

Also, due to apps, I fear that the gay community is losing the "community" element.  Years ago, groups of guys (from different ages, races and backgrounds) would congregate in bars and clubs - and shockingly, they'd talk to each other and hang out as mates - even if they didn't fancy each other.  With the rise of apps, a big element of community has disappeared, or at least it's harder to find.  So I am going to make positive podcasts, highlighting the efforts of those queer/gay men who are trying to promote healthy community groups that empower gay guys.

Right now, it's only on YouTube, but I hope to have it on most other major podcast services within the next 7-10 days.  Please have a listen and give it a like and subscribe if you can!
Thank you so much!


And to quote Rupaul... "Now on iTunes."

Friday, June 8, 2018

There is No Escaping the "Meh" Zone...

So I touched on this topic in my first book, Grindr Survivr, I think it's in the Tinder Chapter (of was it the Communication Commandment Chapter), but I've had a recent revelation that warranted an update.  Before, I said the problem with apps is that some people will definitely fancy you from your photos, and a lot of people will definitely not.  But the gray area is infuriating.  Where a guy matches you on Tinder, he chats, but the conversation doesn't really go anywhere; he may not ask you any substantive questions.  At best you'll get a short response and "wbu?" (what about you?)  I found these types of individuals to be infuriating.  In part, because they give you just enough energy or attention on the app that you don't lose complete interest, but not enough to swap numbers or meet for a drink.  Needless to say over the years, I've wasted far too much energy chasing hot guys and models who did this.  I'm calling this "The Meh Zone."

And needless to say, I have spent hours and hours wasting time on many a hot guy or model who was more than happy to put me there with no chance of escape.  I guess I deluded myself or I hadn't really appreciated the sea change that apps had created in the gay community.  My apologies to my British readers, who sometimes criticize me for tooting my own horn, but I think I have a fairly interesting personality.  I have a good sense of humor.  I'm engaging.  I'm a good story teller (you bitches are reading my blog, aren't you?)  I'm very loyal, and I think I'm fun to be around.  Maybe I'm delusional, but hey "Fake it till you make it."  But I say this to explain what I would tell myself.  "If only the hot guys would give me a chance, they'd see how amazing my personality was.  And once they see that, they'd genuinely want to date me."  I say this because this has happened on more than one occasion.  I have gotten a few really hot guys to date me.

But not in the past few years...  

This experience is increasingly rare.  In fact, I think app culture has so minimized the need for a personality, or, possibly, the vast amount of choice that living in a large gay Mecca offers means that you just won't get the chance to stand out of the crowd in any meaningful way - at least not without looking like a psycho, which defeats the purpose of showcasing the good aspects of your personality.  I have some other theories as to why this might be happening.  But they all lead me to one virtually inescapable conclusion:


You can't escape the Meh Zone, so my advice to you (and to myself) is to STOP TRYING! 

People get confused about my writing all the time.  My writing is not designed to take a crap on dating apps.  It's to highlight the need for some sort of moral code or system of ethics, because gays treat each other terribly.  And it's designed to eliminate needless suffering.  And I'm tired of living in a city where thousands of gay guys are single and annoyed, because they "can't find a man," all the while they are hopelessly oblivious to the fact that their own behavior patterns are sabotaging them.  Feeling sad and lonely over your dating life can often be needless suffering.  And at least, in myself, I see a lot of the suffering comes from feeling like I'm trapped in the "Meh" zone.  Once I accept that I will most likely stay trapped, the solution becomes obvious.  Stop giving time and attention to people who view me, my accomplishments, my values, my intellect, my sense of humor, my pectoral muscles with a blase attitude!  If they don't recognize your value, LEAVE THEM ALONE!  You don't have to tell them off or act the fool.  Just leave them be.  Chasing someone who's not that keen creates needless suffering.  So end your own suffering!  Let them be...

Yes, it's disappointing, because at least in my case, that eliminated 90% of the super hot guys that match me on Tinder.  But oh well.  That's life.  I find that I'm happier when I'm engaging with other people and they're genuinely engaging with me.  Moreover, I know I have to make room for guys who might have genuine hearts and loving personalities.

Now, in typical lawerfly fashion, I'm going to make a large sweeping pronouncement and then offer exceptions.  But here goes...  There are two possible ways to get out of the Meh zone, but these roads are perlilous and will most likely leave you feeling like a knob end (and not in a good way).

1) Hope that you meet the guy in person somewhere.  If you guys match on Tinder and have mutual friends or you guys have similar interests, this might be a possibility.  But it's highly unlikely.  But you never know who you might bump into at a club or bar.  So you can occasionally chat to a guy on apps, take his bland, useless conversation and then hope that you guys cross paths some day.  So that's very unlikely.

2)  Hope to be the super hot guys drunken mistake at 3AM.  I know this sounds odd, and this mainly applies to Grindr chats (possibly Tinder if you live nearby), but the only other option is to keep the door of communication wedged open slightly, and hope and pray that he gives you a chance when he's drunk and desperate after a night of heavy drinking.  For me, my ego is too big for this shit.  If I know I'm someone's literal last choice, then I don't want to do it.

So there are some ways out of the "Meh" Zone, but as I said, they're not ideal.  But most of gay dating is not ideal.

The best thing to do is stick with the people who are engaging and interested from the very beginning.

Which leads me to one of my new set of Grindr Commandments...
Don't Punish a Guy For Being Super Keen on You!  

Things move very fast now online, and if if a guy wants to move forward with you, don't freak out (as I often do).  Yes, it might seem off-putting if a guy is too eager or desperate.  But if he's cute and interested in you as a person, it can't hurt to give him a chance.  But this is advice for another blog entry.